Platelet-rich plasma, often called by its acronym PRP, is a popular treatment option for a myriad of medical conditions. One’s own platelets from a blood draw can be used throughout the body for various purposes, allowing patients to use their bodies to heal and rejuvenate themselves! At Magnolia Dermatology, we use PRP injections for hair loss and thinning, ensuring patients have the ability to regrow their hair using the growth factors found in platelet-rich plasma. Let’s take a look at this treatment and the many benefits it provides.
Our team best describes PRP as a concentration of platelets harvested from the patient’s own blood. Platelets are rich in growth factors, which play a critical role in healing and tissue regeneration. When injected directly into the scalp, PRP can stimulate the natural hair follicles and promote hair growth.
The process of using PRP for hair regrowth involves taking a small amount of blood from a patient and then separating the platelet-rich plasma using a centrifuge. The concentrated PRP is then injected into targeted areas of the scalp, where it works to nourish and revitalize dormant hair follicles.
If you are looking for a PRP dermatologist “near me” in the Clarksville, Tennessee, area, we invite you to connect with Dr. Neelam Patel and her team at Magnolia Dermatology. The office is located at 276 Warfield Boulevard and can be reached by dialing (931) 551-2929 to request an upcoming appointment.
Reach out to us today for any questions or comments about our dermatological services. We would be more than happy to respond to your concerns.